The new Pentagon UFO report is due Monday, and I'm fired up!
This pesky UFO problem just won't seem to go away.
Everyone has an opinion on what UFOs are - and also what they are not. Some opinions are informed while others are simply fuelled by passion or desire. We certainly have a lot of voices chiming in. This is a good thing as we weigh our options of what this world we inhabit is made up of.
But what's the truth about UFOs? What do they represent?
I'm open to just about anything being possible, but it's apparent that most reporting on the UFO mystery does not reflect the reality of what is known and happening.
Memories are short, and these days we seem to either get UFO clickbait or a series of twisted mental gymnastics aimed at dismissal. Inconvenient facts are discarded like prom dresses at the end of the night instead of being addressed. Despite the preponderance of evidence of a great mystery, answers abound. Especially if you enjoy opinions based on exclusion of data.
It's striking just how easily we can explain the uninvestigated rather than investigate the unexplained.
It's always easier to shout loudly on social media than it is to take the time to dig-in and formulate original thought and understanding. But, let’s draw open the curtains for one moment, what is the tone of those working on this UFO problem from behind the scenes and the veil of media coverage?
Most of the folks working on the UFO puzzle right now within the Department of Defense (DoD), U.S Navy, etc... are genuinely concerned. They have openly excluded known adversaries and our own secret black technology as the source of the actual UFO presence. In fact, other countries are dealing with the same exact issues as the United States. Shots have been fired by multiple nations at the same types of anomalous craft. Russia, China, Syria and more are all wrestling with the same questions and actively studying the same phenomenon. This is a shared experience and a unifying mystery.
Ongoing UFO studies have been admitted to by multiple nations, but studies have always been ongoing and under a variety of programs and names. It's like a shell game. And still the big questions have yet to be answered.
Who's vehicles are these? Who operates them?
Some journalists like to make the argument that much of what the pilots continue to see up to this day are essentially weather balloons developed in the 1940s. And also drones. Drones that seem to possess a sort of magical advanced ability - but that's a story for a later date.
Ultimately, it is true that reported UFOs likely represent many different things.
My friends and sources work at military assets (bases, nuke sites, etc.) or on active deployment, and they DO have to deal with incursions of reconnaissance drones by known adversaries. We are pretty damn good at dealing with these things. Drones typically aren't hard to detect, track, net, blow up or electronically jam and "return to sender" with a boom. Some drones are made to carry payloads and explosives. This happens almost every day in the theatre of war and it is a serious issue for those involved.
But the types of craft you and I are interested in far exceed the tech we have ever been able to duplicate. And that's a statement that's pretty simple to understand if you've been paying attention.
True UFOs are "impossible" by our understanding of applied physics. But our understanding doesn't dictate what's possible.
In the big scale of things, human beings are technological infants. Real UFOs are somehow able to move in the water as fast as they move through air and space - hence why Congress is now referring to them as ‘Unidentified Aerospace-undersea Phenomena’. They don't produce signatures like sonic booms or even splashes when they change medium into the water. They don't have flight control surfaces. They make no sound. They lack reactionary propulsion signatures. They have flight duration. They cloak. They maneuver beyond imagination, with no known point of origin or landing. We're talking hundreds of miles out to sea as well as over sensitive military installations. And they are able to pierce through our national defenses (worth billions in dollars) with ease, as well as escape capture or consequence.
UFOs are being encountered with an increased frequency and we are now better at detecting them. Modernized equipment is more available to more people. So now it's not just NORAD or the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) detecting UFOs regularly - it’s fighter pilots and naval aviators as well. From every nation on Earth.
Most astonishing about this UFO mystery is that there's no fingerprint in society for the technological development of what these UFO things can do.
This UFO dance appears to have been going on seemingly forever throughout human history. It has proven to be durational and certainly not confined to America. It used to be (like in WWII) that we would each blame the other nation for the UFO presence in our skies. We are far past that. We have more information now.
This is why one explanation for the UFO enigma simply does not cut it. And our government has publicly highlighted as much.
Even stranger than UFOs is how some journalists propose that your government wants you to believe that drones from foreign nations are actually vehicles piloted by aliens. Seriously, there are those who want you to believe there is a mass LARP conspiracy being perpetrated on American citizens to promote the false narrative of aliens as a tactic to dismiss adversarial drone incursions.
It's almost comical to consider the LARP conspiracy simply based on the immense nature of the true UFO issue. But these ideas are typically presented by those who have never spoken to a single witness or done any serious investigatory footwork regarding events pertaining to this subject.
It’s difficult to take their ideas seriously, even when dealing with extraordinary possibilities.
I can state with confidence that our government is not pretending adversarial drones are aliens to fool the public. As far as I can tell, real investigations are being performed and answers are being sought. And some have been found.
I'm optimistic for the next Pentagon UFO report due on Monday. I am also encouraged by the new UFO whistleblower legislation that is set to be signed into law imminently.
The UFO whistleblower mechanism is an invitation to shed light on this subject once and for all. And like I've said before - it would be "The Silver Bullet".
If we have been attempting to reverse-engineer these bad boys for the past 75 years, which I understand we have been, and if those involved are held accountable for these discoveries - this will change the landscape of the discussion in its totality. I hope the American public would seize the opportunity.
Step by step we are learning new truths about our existence and the nature of the world we live in. Our understanding of the cosmic ecosystem that we share is expanding rapidly.
Or of course, it's possible this whole UFO thing is all just Swamp Gas and drone nonsense. However, it would be reckless to dismiss the totality of the situation just because you want this to be so.
The world is changing, with or without our consent. And we should encourage this. We should nurture an attitude of discovery. I suspect eventually, we will be better off for it.
Weaponize your curiosity,
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Creator, Extraordinary Beliefs